
Wha't’s up party people in the place to be.

I woke up late, saw the homies to play Pokemon GO, ate, slept, and now I’m going to play Monster Hunter.

I don’t plan out what to write, usually. I write intuitively, and stream of consciousness, but today, I don’t really know what to write about.

I’m still gathering my thoughts on the state of the country, and next steps.

It feels like everywhere I turn there’s someone just as motivated as there is someone completely dejected, and feeling lost in these trying times.

Most likely I’ll blog or provide a list of actions you can take to resists the coup but I don’t have those resources readily available at present. I have a few in some scatter notes and open tabs on my phone but like everyone resisting says, we, and in this case I, need to get organized.

To be real, right now I’m enjoying getting high and drunk, not in a way thats destructive to my life, but just as a way to turn my brain off from trying to solve all the worlds (America’s) problems at once.

In my own personal journey, outside of trying to disassociate , I’ve been trying to make my rage and desire for violence, bloodshed, my bloodlust, into something productive. In my last short post I was able to reflect on prominent figures in martial arts that took up the pen instead of the sword, and while I do not know if they were influential in politics of their time, save Yagyu Munenori who wrote “The Life Giving Sword” it is not lost on me that we are not living in so “Romantic” times. Although sometimes I wish we were. Maybe they are in Texas, and other parts of the country with lax gun laws.

If you’re picking up what I’m putting down, there’s a free app on iOS that has video instructions for learning Shaolin Kung Fu.

I mean it’s literally only March, we are only beginning the first 1/4th of the year, and it already feels like there is so much to consider.

I understand that these feelings, these ideologies and politics have been simmering in the subconscious mind of some Americans on the fringe of society but now that it’s front and center, now that it seems to have become mainstream, we can’t allow for this ugliness to continue, to teach the next generation this same ugliness like some dynasty of the most terrible, figureheads of the devil calling themselves “good” or acting as if they speak for a loving God.

And while we’re talking about love, I don’t believe there is enough “self care” you could ever engage in that will expedite the next 4 years. We, collectively, have to take action. That’s all I really know.

And thats what I plan to do.

See you in the next one!