
21. No, not in the slightest. If someone, something else existed out there I’d wonder if we, as a human race, would go to war with it.

If the opposite was true, and we are alone in the Universe, I’d still think and feel the way I do, for certain, there would just be less to worry about.

22. I would pay the government the least amount in taxes so that they could continue to operate and I’d take home most of my paycheck. That’s how it ought to be in my opinion.

23. I think building a cushion is best because of the “random” or “freak” accidents and rainy days life can throw your way. It’s fine to work harder, it’s what I’m currently doing, but what I’ve learned is that the human body can only take so much, and had I started building my cushion earlier I wouldn’t have to work as hard now.

24. I would not, my child has to get in on their own merits, but if I did, I would explain that it’s only cheating if we get caught.

25. Yes, I’d be proud of the image because I’d know the work it took to get my body there.

26. Absolutely not.

27. If I lost all the worries about love and starting a family I would take that level of intelligence. In some aspects of life however I think it’s good to be a bit “dumb.” I can’t explain that clearly.

28. I would be interested unless I had a family to take care of, then I think it’d be best to live out my life with my family instead.

29. Given my current occupation, given that I might have the opportunity to do that, and I have yet to in the nearly 5 years I’ve worked here, I think my answer, as a sum of my actions up to this point, is no.

30. Recently I’ve been feeling gratitude more often that not. I’m grateful for my health, my home, and “God” seems to give me the perfect financial aid when I most need it, and it’s been like that for a few weeks now. I give thanks to God for these situations, although it does feel rather uncanny at times.

Questions #11-20




I’ve already put on 100lbs since high school FOR FREE but if it had to be worth something I’d ask for no less than 1 billion dollars in today’d economy. With that much money I’d be sure to have enough to hire the best personal trainer to help me lose all the extra weight.


Given that I thought the woman that was the “love of my life” wants nothing to do with me I’d have to answer this question with a resounding “no.” But if it were yes I suppose my answer would be Swedish.


Being a PCA helped prepare me to take care of someone nearly disable and someone with Alzheimers. I wouldn’t back out of the wedding I don’t think. I’ve run scenarios in my head where I love this person so deeply I’d do the hard work of cooking for them and cleaning them, hell, I’VE DONE THAT WORK, but right now at 2:!7AM during the overnight shift at work, I don’t feel that love I felt a few years ago.


I don’t want to be famous, I want to be rich. With that being said my friendships come and go all the time, but I feel like I’m in a very good place with the people in my life right now, and it would be devastating to lose some of them. The idea that I could never have as deep a bond ever again as I walk down the path of fame doesn’t sound very appealing either.


Everybody deserves a change to be great. I don’t know that the “man” in this situation would “displace” the woman but in this hypothetical situation maybe I’d design an institution (school) for men that is as well respected as the women’s colleges and universities. As far as the work environment goes if the man proves he’s up to task then he should have equal pay.


I’d probably spy on a model or an e-girl if I’m being honest. If they found out well, I’d hope they don’t press charges? I don’t know for certain, I feel like now it’s best to spy on politicians and get dirt on them but without this political climate I’d want to know what it was like in the day of the life of a hot girl.

I don’t think anyone’s comfortable with the idea of electronic surveillance however, I’ve done my best to stay away from websites and services that would alert the authorities to my actions if I do have a personal FBI agent with my number.


Honestly? I think I’d be really angry at both of them, and I’d question why they go to such lengths to support me if they never like or loved me.

I don’t dislike my parents so I’ve never told anyone that. For as much as I may dislike about them what I do like about my parents absolutely outweighs that.


I’d want to know if there was someone in my future that would want to be in a relationship with me, married until we die and would love me as much or more than I could love them. I think I’d want to know why for obvious reasons, ya’boi gets lonely sometimes.


The sunglasses idea is novel, however, I’m currently trying to tailor the ad algorithm to only show me things I’m interested in. With that in mind, I do want ads to be better and more nuanced, but I don’t think technology is there just yet, or at least there are a lot of ads for services I just don’t need and frankly I don’t know why anyone would think these ads I see are things that I’d want.

Introduction and Answers to Questions #1-10

Preamble: Ahem… So I’ve had this idea for a very long time now and I don’t think I was ready to be vulnerable online as I am presently.

This idea is to answer all of the questions from “The Book of Questions” by Gregory Stock, Ph.D.

This is the version that I have, I think it’s the most recent:

As this is quite literally a book of questions I won’t write the questions themselves because that would give the book away and I don’t know if that infringes on any copyrights but  I will answer each question according to it’s number, so if you choose to purchase this book yourself you’ll be able to follow along. 

I plan to keep these answers on their own page on my website so it doesn’t get mixed up with my regular blog posts.

And so, without further ado, here are my answers, to the Book of Questions!




As someone that walks almost everywhere it would be much easier for me personally to lose the use of all motorized vehicles. Even if that meant I had to plan a 3 hour walk to get to work on time, as long as we still had computers, our hands, and were able to communicate I would imagine we’d be able to build even more efficient modes of transportation. “Reinvent the wheel.”


I imagine this toy doll is connected to the internet, and this is probably an ad being run by the toy maker. If I had the means I think, being childless and not really knowing anything, it would be easy to buy the next doll, however, this makes me worry about “designer babies” or a way a planned robot uprising could take place. “Skynet” and whatnot.


Money. Why? It would make obtaining all the others fairly easier, in my opinion. With money you could be obsessed with them all, to a greater or lesser degree.


As much as I hate Nee York I’d rather be in a city, there’s just more to do. Maybe not as much to see but definitely people to meet, stores to shop at, reasons to leave the house.


I think that if we allowed drugs the athletes would really have diminished returns on their performances. If we’re talking prosthetics to further enhance their abilities how long until we’re watching a competition of Androids? Do they ever become more machine than man? Would it be akin to watching driverless cars drag race? I’d prefer a competition without performance enhancing drugs. I like to romanticize the peak, the ultimate, the zenith of human ability, although, much of it can also be credited to genetics.


I don’t know how I would feel. Maybe I’d feel angst, but angst that is formed from astonishment, bewilderment, rage, and pride.

A human still had to program the machine, and if in the future they become greater than us, and aware of themselves, I would only hope they don’t decide to eliminate us to preserve themselves. 


I was caught breaking and entering into an abandoned building, in the hopes of making it a private art studio for myself in accordance to squatter law, which I thought existed in Massachusetts, or at least Suffolk county but the officers informed me that I was mistaken. 

If it were me in their position, maybe I’d let me go too. Eventually the property was bought and turned into a 3 family home soon after.

There was also a rumor that a dead body was found in there? Or maybe I’m thinking of somewhere else. I don’t know.


Uh… I don’t think I would, at this stage in my life. Maybe when I was a teenager in high school but right now? I don’t make a lot of enemies, so no.


The people. Art is history, and on the other hand, people are the future, but the people.

Someone once told me “You know what the greatest thing in the world is? People. You know what the worst thing in the world is? The other people.”

But now, I want to change my answer.

What if those people about to be killed were all good people? Good people that would make great art that would be preserved in future museums?

On second thought, I’d rather lose the art, if that were the case.


Absolutely/MAYBE*. Scientists are working on experiments like this right now and while it isn’t perfect it’s pretty astonishing. However, I think a guy recently died within 3 months from a transplant like this so maybe not quite just yet…